LAB CUERPO LÍQUIDO: information here


International Screendance Festival

Movimiento en Movimiento #10

“Liquid Body”

From September 22nd to October 1st, 2022

This year MOV EN MOV is dedicated to the theme LIQUID BODY, to the dissolution of the body because of various possible reasons, we can mention: perpetual uncertainty, fragmented identities, fragile values, continuous movement, speed, vulnerability, volatile gender. The short films chosen for the festival are somehow related to these themes.

Movement in Movement focuses on the exhibition of screendance and experimental films that express the body in different ways, unclassifiable films and videos that are on the limits of video art and experimental cinema.

On this tenth anniversary we return with the slogan: CREATING DEPENDENCIES and ADDICTIONS TO SCREENDANCE.

Mov en Mov magazine 2022 will be available online, on our website, with texts from:

Douglas Rosenberg, Anna Macdonald, Diego Carrera, Vivian Abenshushan, Nayeli Benhumea, Karina Sosa, Adrian Filpio, Brenda I. Steinecke Soto, Yolanda M. Guadarrama, Luis Tirado Morales.

Our programs will be available, in Mexico, at the UNAM Filmoteca, at the José Vasconcelos library, at Galería Xilófago, and at Pulquería Insurgentes. Virtually it will be shown at FILMOCRACY.

Pre-recorded 2-minute interviews with each author will be available in the links in the description of the works.


MOV EN MOV #10 short films will be shown ON DEMAND on FILMÓCRACY

From September 22nd to October 1st.

—For the international community—English spoken—

+You’ll see the films ON DEMAND.

+MOV EN MOV OPENING TALK by Yolanda M. Guadarrama & Yael Weiss. On September 22nd, at 17 hrs. MEXICO CITY TIME ZONE. And see it on demand in the platform.

+AUDIENCE AWARD: Vote for the first film.


Mov en Mov Open Talk in FIRMOCRACY, with Yolanda M. Guadarrama and Yael Weiss


The ship, our planet, is heading into uncertainty where we don’t know if humanity will be able to continue, if the established systems will continue. The works collected in this program help us reflect on possible futures, possible new normalities, almost obligatory reflections in the current period of “Post-pandemic”.

Pre-recorded 2-minutes interviews with each author.

Our Planet Destiny. Chen Li. China. 10’

Ojo Infinito (Infinite Eye). Daniel Magaña. Mexico. 9’

Threading Issues. Margherita Morello. Italy. 9’37’’

l’Ombre Du Doute (Shadow of a Doubt). Feike Santbergen, Sanne Kortooms. Netherlands. 3’13’’

When the Night Falls. Kimmo Leed. Finland. 10’

Walks With Me. Kati Kallio. Finland. 10’47’’

Huge Mountain. LiHeng Zhou. China. 13’


In the limits of the defined-indefined body identity, this program reflects the concerns that various creators have about the representation of the feminine, masculine and transgender; as well as some doubts between the dream, the real and the most common models of beauty.

Pre-recorded 2-minutes interviews with each author.

La Mer. Manolo Campoamor. Spain. 3’11’’

Oonírico (Dreamlike). Diana Morales Sánchez. Mexico. 5’52’’

La Claque / Cheer. Claire Renaud. Canada. 9’16’’

Monumental. Stephanie Sherman, Melissa Castro, Aitana Galaviz. Mexico. 6’44’’

(UN)STRUNG. Harshita Guha. India. 7’56’’

Once I passed. Martin Gerigk. Germany. 10’40’’

Identibye. Sajjad ShahHatami. Iran. 15’


This year MOV IN MOV is dedicated to the LIQUID BODY, the films in this program are representative of the theme: the dissolution of the body because of  various possible reasons: confusion, fragmented identities, fragile values, continuous movement, speed, vulnerability , volatile gender.

Pre-recorded 2-minutes interviews with each author.

Estrobo 2. Benito González. México. 3’

·Lonely Boat. Qi Ma. China. 3’04’’

A Very Something or Other. Anya Liftig. USA. 16’04’’

Bajo la piel (Under the Skin). Carmen Porras. Spain. 15’

Liquid World. Adrian Filpio Arroyo del Puente. Mexico. 6’01’’

In the Vicinity of the Sun. John Scott. Irland. 13’24’’


Losing and winning during the game, risk and life, are intangible values ​​that are reflected in the experimentation that this program proposes. Among these short films we find a digitally altered version of Fred Astaire; the expression of a character outside the conventional circuits of art; blind drawings; a short and unique dance documentary; and an urban experimentation on anger.

Pre-recorded 2-minutes interviews with each author.

Ani Dance 2 (collage30). Luis Carlos Rodríguez. Spain. 5’

Henry’s Room. Arturo Bastón. Mexico. 4’06’’

Home Movies. Rosie Trump. USAs. 6’50’’

The blind writer. Georges Sifianos. Greece. 9’50’’

Ruido (Noise). Karen Susel Flores Gaona. Mexico. 2’

Rooms. Elysa Wendi, Jiekai Liao. Singapore. 14’43’’

Puño (Fist). Thomas Bos. Netherlands. 13’


If you are in Mexico, follow the IN-PERSON activities: here

Permanent GALLERY



Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #1.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #2.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #3.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #4.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #5.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #6.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #7.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #8.

Complete videos here: MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #9.

Films and videos from MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #6 and #8 are PENDING to be uploaded to the PERMANENT GALLERY.

And Films and videos from MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO #6 and #8 will be uploaded in different sections and groups to the PERMANENT GALLERY.

…everything will be complete is COMING SOON…

Awards 2022

We announce the prizes of the Mexican festival Movimiento en Movimiento which was celebrated in September, 2022.

Movement in Movement awards 3 prizes:

a) National Screendance Award MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO, 2022. In Mexico.

b) International Screendance Award MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO, 2022.

c) MOV EN MOV-REDIV Award, 2022. For Ibero-American pieces.

The official selection is done by four curators; this year Lucitzel Pedrozo, Rocío Becerril and Yolanda M. Guadarrama were active. Nayeli Benhumea only participated as advisor for some specific works for this edition.

The awards were chosen by international juries. Fernanda Vallejos and Anna Macdonald for the national and international awards, in these awards the curators also gave a unanimous vote for the final count.

For MOV EN MOV-REDIV award, the jurors were members of the Ibero-American Videodance Network, REDIV: María Fernanda Vallejos and Diego Carrera.

Everyone, jurors and curator, are professionals dedicated in different ways to cultivating, creating and disseminating screendance and audiovisuals in general, either independently or academically. You can see their biographical sketches on this: page.

The parameters that the juries followed for the elections vary between: photographic quality, development of the narrative of the audiovisual discourse, coherence of the argument in the edition, balance between audiovisual language and body language, experimental risk, universality of the topics covered.

Only the first places of the national and international prizes win an economic stimulus. And the three MOV IN MOV-REDIV award winners win a Merce Cunningham Centennial book.

The winners are:

a) National Screendance Award MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO, 2022.

First Place: Ooniric

Second Place: Estrobo 2

Third Place: Ojo Infinito

b) International Screendance Award MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO, 2022.

First place: Rooms

Second Place: In the Vicinity of the Sun

Third Place: La Claque/Cheer

c) MOV EN MOV-REDIV Award, 2022

First Place: Bajo la Piel

Second place: Ojo Infinito

Third Place: Oonírico

You can see the opinion of the jury for the selection of the winning works on this: page.

Open Call 2022

We open this call in a global environment of prolonged pandemic, so we want to continue supporting and launching artistic proposals in-person and virtually. So the festival will be held in September in a mixed way, face-to-face (if sanitary measures allow it) and virtual.

Movimiento en Movimiento continues, from now on, every two years, we move to the biennial modality, with our battle cry:

Creating dependencies and addictions to screendance.

Movimiento en Movimiento is interested in audiovisual productions that might be considered as screendance, dance film or videodance, with deep reflections through its narrative, meanings, body and audiovisual media, which imply speculations in the following fields of study: PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY and LITERATURE. These productions may include or exclude the human body.

Call addressed to artists who create:

* Screendance or dance films

* Experimental Films and Videos

* Live Screendance Performance by video call

The tenth edition is entitled LIQUID BODY, looking for works that question the limits of any of the various definitions of “body”. However, works of diverse themes will be chosen.

This is the fourth year that the festival awards prizes to the best productions of the official selection: a national and an international award.

The tenth edition of Movimiento en Movimiento will be held in September 2022 with screenings and exhibitions of the selected pieces, as well as live performance presentations through video calls. All the selected pieces will be part of the festival’s web archive in the GALLERY PERMANENT**, which is formed a few months after the celebration. (**Creators can choose to authorize only excerpts of their work for this gallery). During the festival there will be two screendance laboratories for the screen.

Click here to see the rules and register your films on FilmFreeway.

Coming soon: Mov en Mov BIENNIAL

Coming soon:

Mov in Mov #10

In a global environment of a prolonged pandemic, we wish to continue supporting and launching artistic proposals.

So that, MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO festival will be held in September 2022, in a mixed way: face-to-face (if sanitary measures allow it) and virtually.

BIENNIAL: Mov en Mov begins another phase, it will be held every two years and will show off some other changes to celebrate our TENTH ANNIVERSARY.

Also, we continue with our battle cry:


Very soon we’ll announce the call, workshops and dates of celebration.

See you soon!!!


Live Stream Online

Collaboration by Mov en Mov & Dance Camera West in ArtPower (UC San Diego)

October 28th, 2021: 8pm in San Diego (USA), 10pm in Mexico City & Colombia, 0am in Argentina & Brazil, 4am in Portugal.

One of the world’s leading dance film festivals, the Los Angeles based Dance Camera West teams up with Mexico City’s Screendance festival MOVIMIENTO EN MOVIMIENTO to present a program featuring contemporary dance films from Argentina, Columbia, Portugal, and Mexico tell moving stories from both traditional and contemporary cultures.

This film screening will be followed by a Q&A with:

Kelly Hargraves (Dance Camera West’s Executive)

Yolanda M. Guadarrama (Movimiento en Movimiento)

Rodrigo Rocha-Campos (Creator of Chapter 5)

Michal Hall Bravo Ramírez (Co-creator of Entre Ojos)

Moderator by ArtPower: Executive Director Jordan Peimer.


  • Tren azul cincuentas directed by Rocío Becerril Porras (Mexico)
  • Persistanz directed by Juan Carlos Gallego Gil (Colombia)
  • Entre Ojos directed by Stephanie Sherman, Michal Hall B. R., Melissa Castro (Mexico/USA)
  • El ciclo del viento directed by Josue Hermes y Ana del Aire (Mexico)
  • Pellejo directed by Federico M. Panizza (Argentina)
  • Wuuac directed by Alfredo Madrigal (Mexico)
  • Chapter 5 directed by Rodrigo Rocha-Campos (Brazil/Canada)
  • Excessive Bodies – Absent Bodies directed by Stéphanie Janaina (Mexico)
  • We Are On The Same Bus directed by Nuno Serrão (Portugal)
  • Escaleras sin fin directed by Margarita Bali (Argentina)

Get your tickets here:

Dance Camera West:

Mov en Mov labs. March, 2021

Lab CAMERA AND NARRATIVE by Rodrigo Rocha-Campos (Canada-Brasil) will be given in English and translated into Spanish.

📆 Saturdays 6, 13 and 20, Sundays 7 and 14 /March.

🕙 10 to 13 hrs. (Mexico City Time)

See detailed information here.

Or write to us:

Lab BODY IDENTITY THROUGH SCREENDANCE, by Yolanda M. Guadarrama and Dalia Ramírez Pérez, will be given in Spanish.

📆 March 8 to 12 // 17 to 20 hrs.

🕙 10 to 13 hrs. (Mexico City Time)

See detailed information here.

Or write to us: