MeM#7 —26) Mujeres Venado

MeM#7 —26) Mujeres Venado (Colectivo Venado-Paulina Ruiz Carballido. México) 6:01’ min. from Movimiento en Movimiento on Vimeo.

Mujeres Venado (Women Deer) is a cine-choreographic work inspired by the figure of the deer as a magical, sacred, mystical and powerful creature. The symbol of the deer is associated mainly with the Huichol culture (Mexico), although we also find it in almost all the mythologies, beliefs and religions of the world. The deer is a carrier of the spirits of nature, capable of opening access to other worlds, connecting us with the forest and the depth of our being. Mujeres Venado exalts the resonances and poetic and panic 32_mujeres venado_color corregidofrictions between femininity, masculinity, fertility, rain, drought and the war of being a body in nature through sensitive bodily rituals.

Original Idea & Realization: Colectivo Venado.

Performance: Paulina Ruiz Carballido, Priscilla Guy, Ximena Monroy, Emilie Morin, Camille Auburtin and Ladys Gonzalez
Camera: Jean-Baptiste Fave and Priscilla Guy
Editing: Priscilla Guy, Paulina Ruiz Carballido and Jean-Baptiste Fave
Sound Design: Paulina Ruiz Carballido and Jean-Baptiste Fave
Art: Iván Ramírez

Created during Residencia Internacional Híbridos Expandidos of Creation and Pedagogy in Screendance at Centro de las Artes de San Agustín Etla, (CaSa) Oaxaca, Mexico. July 2018.



Paulina Ruiz Carballido (Mexico / France). Degree in Dance (2008) from the UDLAP, Master Degree in Dance Research (2013) from Université Paris VIII and D.E. Professor of Contemporary Dance (2015) of the CND, France. She has got FONCA-CONACYT Scholar Studies Abroad (2010-2012), PECDA Oaxaca “b” (2012), Young Creators (2014-2015), and Fomento a Proyectos y Coinversiones Culturales (2017). Her choreographic, pedagogical, videodance and research work has been presented and published internationally. Associated artist of Agite and Sirva · Festival Itinerante de Videodanza. Co-founder of Collectif V.I.D.D.A. Co-directs with Ximena Monroy the publication “La creación Híbrida en Videodanza”. Page:
Facebook: @paulina.rucarba


Priscilla GuyPriscilla Guy (Canada). Choreographer and director. Artistic director of “Mandoline Hybride”, multidisciplinary company of scenic and videodance projects. Her work has been presented internationally. Curator and administrator of “Regards Hybrides”, a project dedicated to the articulation and development of videodance practices. He collaborates in several international academic publications on videodance: The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies (New York, USA), The International Journal of Screendance (Wisconsin, USA), La creación híbrida en videodanza (Mexico), The Dance Current, and CINE TFO ( Toronto Canada). She is currently studying her PhD in Cinema at the Université de Lille 3, France.


Ladys GonzalezLadys Gonzalez (Argentina). She is dedicated to the research, creation and production about the language of movement and audiovisual. She owes a degree in Combined Arts from the Universidad Nacional Buenos Aires. She is a University professor of Corporal Expression at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Co-founder and co-director of Proyecto CORPORALIDAD EXPANDIDA (CE), which includes a Film Festival (FICE), Social Videodance Workshops and a Video Library about the corporeal.


Camille AuburtinCamille Auburtin (France). Director, dancer and artistic director of the Camillau association in Bordeaux; with fifteen years of research placing in risk the image, the body and the movement through different film and pedagogical objects. Since 2009, she has collaborated with Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National de nouvelle-Aquitaine (La Manufacture CDCN). Her work has been presented and published internationally. She is currently making the creation documentary Les Robes Papillons.


Emilie MorinEmilie Morin (Canadá). Intérprete e improvisadora. Desde 2006, trabaja como artista e intérptete freelance en proyectos escénicos y de danza para la pantalla. Ha colaborado con diversos coreógrafos y cineastas independientes. Ha viajado a Europa, Estados-Unidos y México para presentar su trabajo, impartir talleres, conferencias y para continuar con su desarrollo profesional. Desde 2011, colabora con Priscilla Guy.


Ximena MonroyXimena Monroy (Mexico). Videomaker, dancer, manager and curator. She is studying a Master in Art History at UNAM, with a research on videodance theory. She founded and directs Agite and Sirva · Festival Itinerante de Videodanza. She collaborates internationally in creation, research, curatorship, management, mediation and teaching. Her work has been presented and published internationally. She has been a beneficiary of FONCA, the IBERESCENA Program, CENART and PECDA. She is an active member of the Ibero-American Videodance Network – REDIV.


Jean Baptiste FaveJean-Baptiste Fave (France). Audiovisual artist and director. He has a BTS Audiovisual with emphasis on sound, and a Bachelor in Cinema at the Sorbonne University (Paris IV). His sonorous, documentary film and videodance work has been presented internationally. Associated artist in photo-audio-video production and teaching in Agite and Sirva · Festival Itinerante de Videodanza, Mexico. He works at Centre National de Cinématographie and is co-founder of the “Collectif V.I.D.D.A”, which aims to produce, create and disseminate the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary visual arts and audiovisual works in Paris, France.


Ivan RamirezIván Ramírez (Mexico). Architect graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey. He has participated in urban planning, architecture and landscape projects, among these projects, there is the recovery of the Lacustre City in Mexico City, Bilbioteca Vasconcelos and Botanical Park and Culiacán Forum. He’s been directing projects in the Alberto Kalach Workshop, TAX (2004-2017). He considers architecture as a transformation of the territory, abstraction of nature, an exploration through the experience of a journey, spatial story and poetry. He collaborates in the project of reconstruction – recovery – restructuring of the communities affected by the earthquakes in the Istmo Oaxaqueño together with the EECO team. He collaborates with other artists in the proposal of devices and scenic triggers – public – landscaping, such as conceptual studies of the movement, hybrid arts and space.


Interview to Paulina Ruiz Carballido, talking about her creative experience. Filmed via long distance computer call: SKYPE.